Wednesday 19 March 2014

*Presentation involving previous work that explains the concept of Monkey Business.

*Deciding what jobs are required to develop this game and when they need to be done.
-Concept artist for characters
-Concept artist for scenery/level backgrounds
-Someone to plan how the game would be marketed
- Someone to select appropriate sound effects
-Someone to create music to add atmosphere to levels
*Game graphics developer
-(Possibly voice-actors, not sure if any are yet required or needed for the game).

*Group idea/focus – Monkey Business

*Company name - Construction Productions

*AOB – Any other business – Need to check that this game will be suitable for consoles, DS and/or phones or if there are any problems with the game being presented on these platforms.
The writer uses terms such as ‘You can’, ‘You will’. This is second person address. It makes the text more personal and makes the reader feel involved.

It’s not universally beautiful, though. Small effects like tyre smoke and the puffs of dust kicked up by cars putting a wheel off-track don’t amaze, and the rudimentary pit-stops look uncharacteristically shonky.

Just Dance 2014

Just Dance 2014 is the newest edition of the dancing game series for the Wii (U), PlayStation (3 & 4) and Xbox (One and 360). Although it lacks a storyline, an important element in most games, it doesn’t stop the game from being clear and fun for the player.

The player joins in with interactive dancing games with instructions given by anonymous ultraviolet coloured dancers that wear costumes appropriate and connecting to the songs they’re dancing too, creating a theme for that level and the allowing the player to easily connect themselves with their character, making it easier to follow the dance instructions.

The game easily appeals to teenagers as it active, fun and features a large variety of new and classic pop songs, going from Careless Whisper to Y.M.C.A., and from Blurred Lines to Ghostbusters.

A major downside to the game, apart from being hot and sweaty afterwards, is that the gameplay isn’t that good. The sensor bar struggles to pick up the signal from the Wii remotes if the player isn’t standing in the middle, which causes issues with points if 4 or 3 people are playing, as the person in the middle has an unfair advantage and is named as the winner.

Another problem with the game is the instructions given by the stickmen at the bottom of the screen. They show up-coming dance positions but this can easily put of the dancers timing by doing position too early. Due to the stick-men being stationary pictures instead of actual people, the movements aren’t clear so can lead the player to get confused. So, when playing this game, I suggest you ignore the stickmen and follow the instructions given by the human characters.

Despite the gameplay not being all that great, I still highly recommend this game as it is still enjoyable to play and just as fun to watch others do it.
Gameplay – Starting level involves picking out items for character. Levels after that involve making the character run through a level, taking certain turns in the ‘maze’ and making him jump over/avoid certain obstacles along the way. Some levels feature Mr. Key in a canoe, where the player have to help in row in certain directions to avoid obstacles in the water.

Target Audience – Probably boys in their early teenage years, the same type of audience that Mario appeals to.

Plot Synopsis – Mr. Key, a monkey, wakes up to realize that he’s late for work. You help him by getting him ready for work, getting through the jungle,  canoe over rapids, through the city, through the store and up to his office, with a timer on each level. Once every level has been achieved, it shows a video of Mr. Key getting to his office in time, only to be reminded by another work that it was his day off.

Placement in the market – Competing with Nintendo’s ‘Mario’ and ‘Legend of  Zelda’ games.

Character ideas- The game focuses on Mr. Key, a monkey in a business suit. Other characters are to work as obstacles, clues, or to make a scene look busy/atmosphere.  These types of characters are mostly jungle creatures (crocodiles, giraffes), sea creatures (sharks, octopi), people (variety of people in the city) and business people (men and women in suits, at counter and selling items).


*Target Audience *Gender *Age *Game Design *How the game is equipped *Controller *Achievements *Accessibility *Console/Platform *Difficulty *Character movements

Mario Kart
Mario Kart is aimed at children so the difficulty is not very high.
The movement is important The genre is fantasy.

Team Cooper

Team Cooper is an English digital amusement agency that started in 2006. The purpose of this agency is to provide Flash development to different agencies and to create games that amuse and entertain.

You haven’t told us what the company type is (Ltd. LLC etc.) and you haven’t told us the platforms that the agency works its games across. However you have told us the purpose of the games and vaguely explained the types of games they develop but you need to explain this further.

Team Cooper is an English digital amusement agency that started in 2006. The purpose of this agency is to provide Flash development to different agencies and to create games that amuse and entertain. Team Cooper cover Internet Flash gaming platforms, creating games mostly aimed at children featuring cartoon characters.

Team Cooper uses Flash as a developmental Software.

Tim Cooper – Managing Director
Emma Cooper – Business Development Director
John Hunter – Team Assistant/Content Writer
Angelique Williams – Project Manager
Adam Clay – Illustrator/Animator
Russell Stearman – Lead Developer
Kyle Rodgers – Developer

Simon Morris – Developer

Sumo Graphics
1.     Spearing or inappropriate language
2.     Racism or discrimination
3.     Drugs
4.     Fear
5.     Sex
6.     Violence
7.     Gambling
8.     Online communication


Monkey Business

Legal and/or ethical issues
*How groups might react to my depiction of animals.

Avoiding ethical issues
*Put notifications ‘No animals were harmed in the making of this game,’

Copyright Issues
*Shark in the game is based on the JAWS poster.

Concept design