Friday 5 September 2014

LO2 - Task 1 - Compare reviews

Below is an example of a print review courtesy of Empire magazine. This print review is for the video game Disney Infinity.

Below is the link to an online review courtesy of IGN. This online review is also for the video game Disney Infinity.

We can emediatly spot differences between the two reviews, with the print preview relying on visual accompanyment in the form of pictures of the game, whilst the online review instead uses videos to demonstrate and explain elements of the game. Due to the different formats/mediums of reviews, there will be some differences. On the other hand, there will also be similarities as a result of the reviews being for the same game.

Genre -

Although the genre is addressed directly, in the print review the game is referred to as an "...action...crossover...". Due to this, you could argue that this is what the writer would class as the genre of Disney infinity, as an action crossover game. The review also opens by calling the game a "...cross-franchise free-for-all..."

In the online review, the word "...adventure..." is often used to describe the context of the game, so the writer would probably class Disney Infinity as an adventure game in terms of genre.

Target Audience -

Both reviews state that although the game is intended for kids it also appeals to adults too, with the print review concluding that Disney Infinity "...will see you wrestling your kids for the controller." whilst the online review observes that the game lacks classic Disney characters and contain more modern characters, an so because of this the writer comes to the conclusion of "...Infinity is definitely pitched more at a contemporary audience.", so they also believe that it intended for youths/a younger demogrphic.

Narrative -

Disney Infinity does not really have a story, but is instead a collection of customizable Disney characters, in toy form, competing in a collection of games; there is no story behind this as it is more gameplay-driven rather than plot-driven. However, both reviews mention how the games follow the intented storylines of the films; the reviews explain that to keep with the storylines and continuity players are unable to put different characters into locations that do not appear in their original films. The print review clarifies "You may not be able to bring Mr. Incredible into the dedicated pirate games..." and the online review echoes this with the similiar example warning of "When inside a Monster’s University Play Set, don’t expect to see Jack Sparrow sauntering across the manicured campus lawns.". This is to let readers know some important information about the games narrative and that the gameplay doesn't work as some players may expect it to.

Characters -

Within the print review are mentions as to the Disney Characters that the gamer can choose when playing Disney Infinity, as well as informing new characters that are expected to be introduced, warning readers "Don't, for example, be surprised to see Johnny Depp's Tonto and The Lone Ranger popping up... later this year." giving to readers a reason to become more excited and interested by the game by hearing the news of what is to feature in futur game releases.

The writer of the online review expressed their joy over how you don't play as the original Disney characters, but rather as their toy versions, as they felt that this was a unique and fun twist to the idea and fun concept to the toys that come with the game "These really are toys that have come to life." However, they did complain that they wanted a larger range of characters to choose from, " of the most prominent aspects of Infinity is the character you get control, and after a while I did end up longing to play as someone else."

Gameplay -

Both articles mention on the enjoyably different and new gameplay style of activating the game by placing a Disney character toy on a stand. The print review compares the gameplay of Disney Infinity to "...the merchandise-driven Skylanders." to give the reader an understanding of how it works, and the online review compliements the gameplay by saying it's "...the key to really appreciating the magic to Disney Infinity".

Platforms -

In the print review it is established that "Infinity is a cross-platform game that unites all your favourite Disney franchises under one roof..." and that the games involve "...mixing platforming and combat..." whilst the platform of Disney Infinity in the online review is not clarified. This may be due to the print review being more informative of the game whilst the online review is based more upon opinion and the writer could have felt it unnessasry to disscuss the game's platform as it might not have effected there opinion of Disney Infinity in any way.

Personal Recommendation -

The writer of the print reviews shows an optimistc reaction to the game, calling it a fun game that they feel doesn't become boring, saying "Each expansion offers an expeceriance sufficiantly different from the others to prevent things getting to stale.". Although, the print review doesn't become too personal as it seems to centre around information about the development of the game and what it features and what to expect from it in fute.

The writer of the online review also made it clear that the game was favourable in their opinion as it concluded with 'The Verdict' where the writer summarises their thoughts on the game, calling it " enchanting experience...". As well as 'The Verdic' the writer also concludes with a list of the games positives and negative elements and a score out of ten. The writer for this review was able to list more positive elements than negatives and gave it a high 8.7 approval rating out of ten. Whilst the online review is informative like the print review, it is also mostly made up of the writers own personal experiance and view of the game and it how made them feel, so the online review is more personal, opinionated and informal.

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