Friday 5 September 2014

LO4 - Task 1 - Developing game

At PASS level your planning will include:

* A treatment/proposal document outlining the concept.

* A competent production schedule

* Planning for gameplay with associated visuals.

Plan For Game

Gameplay – Starting level involves picking out items for character. Levels after that involve making the character run through a level, taking certain turns in the ‘maze’ and making him jump over/avoid certain obstacles along the way. Some levels feature Mr. Key in a canoe, where the player have to help in row in certain directions to avoid obstacles in the water.

Target Audience – Probably boys in their early teenage years, the same type of audience that Mario appeals to.

Plot Synopsis – Mr. Key, a monkey, wakes up to realize that he’s late for work. You help him by getting him ready for work, getting through the jungle,  canoe over rapids, through the city, through the store and up to his office, with a timer on each level. Once every level has been achieved, it shows a video of Mr. Key getting to his office in time, only to be reminded by another work that it was his day off.

Placement in the market – Competing with Nintendo’s ‘Mario’ and ‘Legend of  Zelda’ games.

Character ideas- The game focuses on Mr. Key, a monkey in a business suit. Other characters are to work as obstacles, clues, or to make a scene look busy/atmosphere.  These types of characters are mostly jungle creatures (crocodiles, giraffes), sea creatures (sharks, octopi), people (variety of people in the city) and business people (men and women in suits, at counter and selling items).

Concept Art

Concept art for protagonist, Mr. Key the monkey, and alligator/crocodile obstacle.

Concept art for Shark obstacles, tiger obstacle, and squid obstacle.

* A clearly defined target audience

* A document addressing the legal or ethical issues facing production of the concept game.

At MERIT level you will cover all of the pass criteria but with the following additional elements:

* The treatment/proposal will include details of the chosen platform, the levels of the game, a plot synopsis, and character bios and illustrations.

* Visuals will be produced for each level of gameplay.

At DISTINCTION level you will cover all of the above but with additional detail in the following areas:

* Comprehensive planning for a viable game with justification in relation to the current popular trends in the UK computer/console game market.

* The production schedule will be detailed and identify timescales for all activities needed for the game to go into production.

* The launch date and budget for production and distribution will be realistic and based on hard data.

* The visuals produced will display a high level of appeal for the chosen target audience.

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