Sunday 31 May 2015

LO4 - Game Idea Budget

Whilst finding this part challenging, I was still able to conclude the budget required if my idea was converted into an actual, playable game to a professional standard. I came up with the budget for a purchasable console game instead of an app game, which was later decided as the preferred gameplay format from received feedback. These numbers were decided based upon my research of similar video game budgets and from feedback from teaching staff and Sumo Digital representatives.

To develop Monkey Business into a fit-for-purpose, playable game of a professional standard would probably require 3 staff members for 9 months.
Development costs = £83,000.
Marketing costs = £20,000.
46,000 copies of Monkey Business would need to be sold to gain profit. 

Below are the calculations of costs, time scales and workers required to create Monkey Business if it was distributed as a purchasable console product. For this I was assisted by one of my tutors based upon research of similiar games in the market.

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